Le camp d’internés 1914-1919
Le camp d’internés 1914-1919

Dieser Internet-Auftritt verfolgt das Ziel, möglichst viele Informationen über das Internierungslager auf der Ile Longue zusammenzustellen, damit Historiker und Nachkommen der Internierten sich ein Bild von den Realitäten dieses bisher wenig bekannten Lagers machen können - nicht zuletzt auch, um die bedeutenden kulturellen Leistungen der Lagerinsassen zu würdigen.

Le but de ce site est de prendre contact avec les familles des prisonniers allemands, autrichiens, hongrois, ottomans, alsaciens-lorrains... qui ont été internés, pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, dans le camp de l’Ile Longue (Finistère).

The narrative of the capture by the U.S. citizen Edward Eyre Hunt
Article published on 3 November 2012
last modification on 15 December 2012

by Monique

Edward EYRE HUNT, an American delegate of the « Commission for relief in Belgium in charge of the Province of Antwertpen », was one of the passengers of the « Nieuw Amsterdam », when the neutral liner was captured. His report « War bread – A personal narrative of the war and relief in Belgium » was published in New York in 1916. (Henry Holt and Company).

An article published in the New York Post on December 24, 1916 presented the book to his readers :
"Mr Edward Eyre Hunt sailed from the United States on the 25th of August 1914, and after an adventurous voyage landed at Rotterdam (...) The book that he has written as the result of these experiences is one of the important books about the war. It is valuable in terms of history. It is exceedingly well-written, simple, dramatic, clear.It is a mine of interesting information, presented always with sympathy and never sentimentally. (...)

About the first part of the report, « A voyage in wartime » which tells about the capture of the “Nieuw Amsterdam”, it says : “The narrative of the capture at sea is dramatic reading.”
The full text of Mr Edward Eyre Hunt can be read here

Dutch liner “Nieuw-Amsterdam”